The Doctor is an extraterrestrial being known as a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He travels the universe in a time machine called the TARDIS, this acronym stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, to explore and sometimes fix problems that he sees in the universe. He usually does so with one or more human companions that keep him sane and act as the connection to the audience. During his travels he has many alien enemies such as the Daleks, the Cybermen, and more. Also another key component to this show that is the reason a show that started in 1963 is still going on in 2011 is that when a Time Lord is nearing the end of his life he can regenerate into a whole new body. He remains who he is but things like his interests, favorite foods, height, weight, etc are changed drastically. Overall that is the very basics of the show if you are interested.
This show is brilliant in writing, acting, special effects(for the time), and just....I love it and I cannot get enough of it! The first point I want to bring up though is that I will mainly be talking about the current seasons and the current cast and crew. Also, I will have to state this upfront, I will talk about The Doctor and I will mean the eleventh/most recent Doctor(and my personal favorite) Matt Smith. Tennant fans please don't kill me! So stay tuned for more posts pertaining to Doctor Who including reviews of the episodes, books, maybe even comics and figures.
Stay Tuned!
(Also this show gets a 5/5!)
For a video to better explain Doctor Who here is one that is done by a very capable reviewer sfdebris.
http://sfdebris.com/drwho/101.asp -this was NOT made by me!
Also here is the official website!